super market

In April of 2022, The Mulchand Emel Asnani Foundation was created to honour the life and the passing of the original CEO of Emel. This foundation works directly with the Ijora Oloye Nursery and Primary School in order to help them receive resources they may need. 

The school has over 1,000 students ranging from nursery to primary 6. Many years ago, ECS donated a computer lab to the school. This is still set up on their campus and will be serviced to kick back up again soon. 

Since the foundation opened, the aim is to go into the school every month and give away something new. Items such as pens, notebooks, and water bottles have been distributed to the children. The foundation by ECS plans to continue to do monthly donations. Any support from others is welcome as we continue our journey to work with the nursery. 


About us

Emel Corporate Solutions Limited (ECS), established in 2009, is a leading provider of world class, purpose-to-fit solutions to the growing B2B sector in West Africa. Our founders have over fifty years’ experience of running diverse businesses in the country. ECS has the passion, creativity, experience and dedication to assist our clients to achieve sustainable business growth. Our impeccable reputation makes us the ideal expert to partner with to add value to any business.


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